ICA: 6 proceedings initiated, 13 investigations closed and 3 moral suasion interventions concerning the offers of electricity and gas on the free market

21 settembre 2021

The Authority contests  the insufficient or incomplete indication of the offer price. 2 sanctions imposed against Argos and Sentra Energia for just over 2.4 million

The Italian Competition Authority (ICA) has closed 13 proceedings  concerning the lack of transparency in the presentation of the economic conditions for the supply of electricity and gas on the free market. In particular, 11 proceedings - opened against Enel Energia, Optima, Green Network, Illumia, Wekiwi, Olimpia-Gruppo Sinergy, Gasway, Dolomiti Energia, E.On, Axpo and Audax - were closed accepting the commitments offered by the companies, while 2 proceedings  against Argos and Sentra Energia were closed  ascertaining unfair commercial practices and imposing a fine.

The Authority's investigation is based on an extensive analysis of the contractual and advertising documentation of the commercial offers made by the main companies in the sector and on the examination of numerous complaints by consumers. They have shown important critical issues and general misleading or omitted information on some components of the price of electricity and gas supply on the free market and, often, the provision of hidden, improper charges not due by consumers.

In particular, it emerged that the value of the "marketing charges" (generally referred to as the Marketing and Sales Price - PCV - for electricity and Retail Share - QVD - for gas) was omitted both in the terms of the contract and in the advertising material,  where only the price of the "energy component" was advertised, although these charges represent an essential part of the supply price for the consumer and the revenues of the companies. They are amounts that are added in the invoice to the charges set by the regulator - system, transport and meter management charges - or of a tax nature.

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