
22 ottobre 2020

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), with the support of the European Commission, EU Member States and the CTI Stakeholders Group, has published the 8th annual ENISA Threat Landscape (ETL) 2020 report, identifying and evaluating the top cyber threats for the period January 2019-April 2020.

The top 15 cyber threat reports are of a technical nature, and include findings, major incidents, statistics and more. The threat reports are the following:

  1. Malware 
  2. Web-based Attacks 
  3. Phishing 
  4. Web Application Attacks 
  5. SPAM
  6. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) 
  7. Identity Theft 
  8. Data Breach 
  9. Insider Threat 
  10. Botnets
  11. Physical Manipulation, Damage, Theft and Loss 
  12. Information Leakage 
  13. Ransomware 
  14. Cyber Espionage 
  15. Cryptojacking 

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