Commission opens infringement procedures against Italy for not transposing new EU telecom rules

11 febbraio 2021

The Commission opened infringement procedures against Italy and other 23 Member States for failing to enact new EU telecom rules. The European Electronic Communications Code modernises the European regulatory framework for electronic communications, to enhance consumers' choices and rights, for example by ensuring clearer contracts, quality of services, and competitive markets. The Code also ensures higher standards of communication services, including more efficient and accessible emergency communications.

The deadline for transposing the Code into national legislation was 21 December 2020. So far only GreeceHungary and Finland have notified to the Commission that they adopted all necessary measures for transposing the Directive, thus declaring their transposition complete.

Therefore, the Commission sent letters of formal notice to Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Sweden, requesting them to adopt and notify the relevant measures. 

The Member States have two months to reply.

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