News archive


Council of Europe adopts first international treaty on artificial intelligence

The Council of Europe has adopted the first-ever international legally binding treaty aimed at ensuring the respect of human rights, the rule of Read more


Commission calls on 18 Member States to comply with the EU Data Governance Act

The European Commission decided to open infringement procedures by sending a letter of formal notice to 18 Member States that did not designate the Read more


Entry into force of Digital Identity Regulation

The rules on establishing a European Digital Identity entered into force on May 20, 2024 . They will pave the way for all EU citizens and residents Read more


Facial recognition at airports: individuals should have maximum control over biometric data

During its latest plenary, the EDPB adopted an Opinion on the use of facial recognition technologies by airport operators and airline companies Read more


The general authorisation and related frameworks for international submarine connectivity

Investment in and the modernisation of submarine telecommunications cables is essential to ensure connectivity across Europe and other continents. In Read more


Protecting journalists and promoting media freedom: New rules enter into force

Independent, fact-based journalism helps protect our democracies by exposing injustices, holding leaders to account and allowing citizens to Read more


Modifica al codice deontologico in materia di equo compenso

Il 3 maggio 2024, e’ stato pubblicata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale il  seguente Comunicato del CNF:  Il Consiglio nazionale forense, Read more


DSA: La Commissione avvia un procedimento formale nei confronti di Facebook e Instagram ai sensi della legge sui servizi digitali

Le presunte violazioni riguardano le politiche e le pratiche di Meta relative alla pubblicità ingannevole e ai contenuti politici sui suoi servizi. Read more


DMA:La Commissione designa iPadOS di Apple ai sensi della legge sui mercati digitali

Il 5 settembre 2023 la Commissione ha designato Apple come gatekeeper per il suo sistema operativo iOS, il suo browser Safari e il suo App Store. Lo Read more



Agcom pubblica l’Osservatorio sulle Comunicazioni relativo all’intero 2023: si allega link al documento. Per quanto Read more

Firm news



Protecting journalists and promoting media freedom: New rules enter into force

Independent, fact-based journalism helps protect our democracies by exposing injustices, holding leaders to account and allowing citizens to make informed decisions. Journalists, who sometimes



The general authorisation and related frameworks for international submarine connectivity

Investment in and the modernisation of submarine telecommunications cables is essential to ensure connectivity across Europe and other continents. In order to reduce the costs associated with such investments,



Facial recognition at airports: individuals should have maximum control over biometric data

During its latest plenary, the EDPB adopted an Opinion on the use of facial recognition technologies by airport operators and airline companies to streamline the passenger flow at airports*. This

Lawyer News



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Detenzione carceraria o domiciliare: l’importanza della salute mentale del condannato

Il quadro normativo e gli sviluppi giurisprudenziali