New 5G cross-border corridors for connected and automated driving

13 april 2018

On April 10, 2018, the European Commission announced at the Digital Day 2018, that several Member States took important steps to extend the 5G European network by signing regional agreements on 5G corridors.

Spain and Portugal signed a Letter of Intent to have two joint corridors between Vigo and Porto and between Evora and Mérida, allowing connected automated driving to be tested across borders; Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia are working together on the corridor Thessaloniki – Sofia – Belgrade.


 In addition, Italy and the three presidents of Euroregion Tirol-Südtirol-Trentino have confirmed their intention to work, in cooperation with other interested Member States, on the development of the 5G Corridor on the Brenner pass motorway which has traffic of over 60 million vehicles per year.

The 5G corridors make Europe the biggest experiment area rolling out the 5G technology. This confirms Europe's leadership in large-scale testing and early deployment of 5G infrastructure enabling connected and automated driving. This pan-European effort will create a secure and safe environment for citizens to be able to enjoy the benefits of connected and automated driving.

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