Digital Single Market: Europe announces eight sites to host world-class supercomputers

10 june 2019

Bologna will be one of the eight sites for supercomputing centres have been selected across the EU to host the first European supercomputers. They will support Europe's researchers, industry and businesses in developing new applications in a wide range of areas, from designing medicines and new materials to fighting climate change.

In a major step towards making Europe a top supercomputing region globally, the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking - EuroHPC has selected 8 sites for supercomputing centres located in 8 different Member States to host the new high-performance computing machines. 

The hosting sites will be located in Sofia (Bulgaria), Ostrava (Czechia), Kajaani (Finland), Bologna (Italy), Bissen (Luxembourg), Minho (Portugal), Maribor (Slovenia), and Barcelona (Spain). They will support the development of major applications in domains such as personalised medicine, drug and material design, bio-engineering, weather forecasting, and climate change. In total, 19 of the 28 countries participating in the Joint Undertaking will be part of the consortia operating the centres. Together with EU funds, it represents a total budget of € 840 million. The exact funding arrangements for the new supercomputers will be reflected in hosting agreements that will be signed soon.

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