Communication Markets Monitoring System

10 june 2019

On April 26,  2019, Agcom published the Report of Communication Markets Monitoring System (No.1/2019), that showed as followed:

Fixed services and networks

TIM’s market share dropped to 51.2% at the end of December 2018 (-3.5 pp)

Vodafone’s market share has reached 14% with a growth of 1.5 pp, Wind Tre’s market share has reached 13.2%, with an increase of 0.3 pp, and Fastweb’s market share amounts to 13% with a growth of 0.7 pp

Other operators have, as a whole, increased their market share by 0.8 pp (YoY); the increase has been more evident for Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) operators.

Mobile services and networks

Mobile lines have increased by about 3.5 million units YoY (+6.1 million units compared to December 2014). During the period considered, «M2M» SIM cards have increased by 13.4 million units, now accounting for 21.0 million lines. 

TIM’s market share has remained stable (YoY), while Vodafone’s and Wind Tre’s market share have reduced by 1 pp and by 1.9 pp, respectively

With regard to the “human” SIM cards, at the end of the second quarter of activity, Iliad reaches a market share of 3.4%

Among MVNOs, Poste Mobile holds a share of 46.8%, while Fastweb confirms the second position (21.9%) with a growth of 3.2 pp (YoY)


TelevisionRai, with over 3.9 million viewers on the average day, holds the leadership in terms of share (37.1%), despite a decrease 0.1 pp YoY In the same period, the audience of Mediaset (-0.7 pp) and Comcast (-0.9 pp) have decreased, while the audience of Discovery and Cairo have has increased respectively by 0.2 pp and 0.5 pp Smaller operators maintain an audience of 15.1% (+1.1 pp YoY)


Internet:In December 2018, 42.5 million unique users connected to the Internet, for around a total amount of 74 hours of surfing per person per month. Among social networks, in December 2018, Facebook, with over 34.8 million unique users equal to 81% of surfers, confirms its position as a market leader, while Instagram follows in the second place with 23.4 million unique users equal to 52% of surfers In December 2018, among the social networks considered, only Google+ shows a decrease trend in the number of unique users, compared to December 2017 .

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